Ovirt/RHV virtualization Cluster deployment fail

while configuring a DataCenter Poc on  Ovirt/ RHV 4.5  virtualization  using Quantum HCI Nodes, I faced a  strange  and incompressible error during the deployment of Hosted engine VM , The Deployment method use an Ansible Automated scripts and modules , I used both methods  CLI option or the Web Assistance but the installation fail require of you to become expert in oVirt installation details, procedure and internals.

[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Obtain SSO token using username/password credentials]
[ ERROR ] ovirtsdk4.AuthError: Error during SSO authentication access_denied : Cannot authenticate user Invalid user credentials.
[ INFO ] TASK [ovirt.ovirt.hosted_engine_setup : Notify the user about a failure]
[ ERROR ] fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "The system may not be provisioned according to the playbook results: please check the logs for the issue, fix accordingly or re-deploy from scratch.\n"

The error looks related to the user name/password of the Hosted engine but Find nothing meaningful on the Logs files /var/log/ovirt-engine/engine.log , I  Retried the whole installation multiple times with different versions of the image and network configuration. (I thought the issue was that the engine VM can’t connect to the host, which led me to trying to fix non-existing issues with my DNS and other network/firewall  stuff.) I reinstalled  the node image many times total. I re-run the hosted engine deploy commands 10+ times but no way to resolve it .

Workaround methode Continue reading “Ovirt/RHV virtualization Cluster deployment fail”

Using Self signed Certificate with Private registry (harbor)

In my OpenShift lab I used a private registry (Harbor) to push /pull images from public registries it is a good practice to have a private registry with public registry, in modern  DevOps  infrastructure CA certificate should be used but self-signed certificate could be used only in POC/Lab environment,

In previous step I already deployed harbor Registry using docker compose and configured the self-signed certificate , when arrive to pushing   images  to the registry the “ X509 certificate error”  

[root@rhv ~]# docker push harbor.cloudz.local:4443/myproject/nginx:final

The push refers to repository [harbor.cloudz.local:4443/myproject/nginx]
Get "https://harbor.cloudz.local:4443/v2/": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

Harbor suite Continue reading “Using Self signed Certificate with Private registry (harbor)”

OpenShift Cluster LAB with Domaine Suffix. Local

Most of us use the .Local suffix in their LAB Domaine Name service, like my Domaine lab that I used always cloudz.local 🙂 this could be a serious problem in deployment of Kubernetes based cluster Redhat OpenShift or VMware Tanzu TKC cluster etc , I am writing this blog post specially because I faced this problem and it Tooks a lot of time and efforts to troubleshoot and detect that the root cause of making the cluster ready and was the Domaine suffix local  

I will not detail about the OpenShift Cluster installation (Redhat Kubernetes version) in the poste there is a loft of blog posts and Official documentation from Redahat but I suggest starting reproduce same lab personal blogs and flow it because official documentation is hardly for a beginner to flow and can lead to Misunderstanding of some topics but is mandatory for being guru , For bare metal installation suggest this blog for bare Metale or VMware cluster.

OpenShift Cluster OCP Continue reading “OpenShift Cluster LAB with Domaine Suffix. Local”

My Redhat Certificate Experience RHCSA (Part I )

Since the beginning of my career inIT 15 years ago I was always Interested to learn and master the Linux OS command line , unfortunately my first career background was mostly with Microsoft Windows Servers Infrastructures and Cisco Networks appliances with many server brands and storage hardware’s and usually I used to use Windows Powershell command line and Cisco CLI in my daily tasks and troubleshooting

With the emergence of the virtualization technology in IT filed and data center transformation I was more involved in VMware virtualization and hence noticed that the linux command line is important since all the VMware stack are based on Linux appliances ESXi , vcenters,Repplication etc

Later and with the new transformation in the Data centers and the introduction of Cloud terminology and other related like devops , Kuberneat , automation orchestration etc I faced a challenge to master the linux system to all these technogies based on linux

Thanks to to Covid19 period 🙂 It was the real opportunity for me to boost in IT certification , my company has concluded aa dual with with redhat has bought for us a Redhat subscription this is a yearly access to to Redhat training and got a full access to online training videos , labs and officials course of course with free exam vouchers ….

There was many paths to follow ( Redhat Ansible automation skills, Redhat OpenShift Centenaries Administration and Redhat Cloud Openstack administration ) for each of those path, It was mandatory to start with the Redhat Administration course and pass the Redhat Certificate administrators certificate RHCA , There was Two Courses to follow before taking the exam

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4 RH124, Red Hat System Administration I
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4 RH124, Red Hat System Administration II

as mentioned below the subscription has an instructor based video with PDF detailed course and LAB with 7/7 days access during all the subscription delay (One year ) that was very important for me to understand an apply all the content of the lab comparing to other Tech technologies training that gives you the training in one week and the access to the labs only during this week !!!

after 06 months of preparation It came the exam day , Redhat has two possibility on site or remote , unfotitnley for my country Algeria there is no onsite test center and I had to travel to Tunisia or to pass it remotely with restricted producer and condition and specials of the office and internet connection and many other restrictions that you it can fail you if not meet during the exam day ,,

The exam is a performance based Exam that mean it is not QCM based exam and has real labs and configuring scenario, the duration is 03 hours and sincerely it was the most difficult and challenged exam that I have ever passed during my career, not only because of the content of the exam but because of the exam remote teste condition and feedback from Redhat communities that many people has failed during the first attempts even they are experienced in Redhat , even tough I had a voucher for the subscription but if I fail the exam O had to buy a new voucher and it is out of my budget ..

Thanks God I got the exam from the first attempts and for the first time I was more confident in my Linux skills and and after all past year of experience in the IT filed I was sure of my self to engage in any Linux discussion and troubleshooting problems and that opened me to next level in Linux Certification RHCE